
FWCC Member Profile - Brayton Luginbill

  If actions speak louder than words — and most people will agree they do — then Brayton Luginbill is coming through, loudly and clearly, to his friends at the Fort Wayne Curling Club. Brayton has Autism and is non-verbal, so his statements have been made through his performances on the curling ice over the past 10 years. Through the Down’s Syndrome Association of Northeast Indiana (DSANI), Brayton’s parents, Jill and Scott Luginbill, learned about the club and its team competition for those with disabilities. “We knew what curling was, but we didn’t know much about it,” Jill, who is a quality engineer for a Berne automotive parts manufacturer, said of those early days. In a recent interview, she related that she and Scott were initially reluctant to make the hour-long drive to Fort Wayne from the family farm Scott manages in rural Willshire, Ohio. But they knew it would provide a chance for their son, then 12 years old, to try something new and different, so they gave the ice a ch...

Member Profile - Nathan Boswell

Parents spend years teaching their children about the world around them.   Nine-year-old Nathan Boswell is returning the favor by teaching his parents about what goes on in an important corner of his world — the Fort Wayne Curling Club ice. Nathan spends Saturday mornings at the club’s Wells Street rink as part of the Junior Program, learning a game he took up about a year-and-a-half ago. Additionally, on Wednesday nights, he and three teammates — all relative novices — compete in the club’s Rookie League. Stacey and Tim Boswell are there to encourage Nathan and to become more familiar with the sport their son loves. “Nathan’s a master sweeper,” Stacey says, with a certain note of parental pride in her voice. "We say he was born to sweep. He loves it. He says it keeps him warm on the ice, too, which is good.” Nathan isn’t arguing with his mother. “On Wednesdays we play four ends and whoever wins, wins, and whoever loses, loses,” he says “Wednesday night is a mix of a few kids and ...

FWCC Member Profile - Bob Leckron

  By the time they reach their 55th birthday, most people consider scaling back their recreational activities.   Bob Leckron, on the other hand, took up a sport 15 years ago — at age 55 — that he now considers his primary leisure-time pursuit. Bob is a semi-retired insurance auditor who lives on the south side of Indianapolis and spends much of his free time on the curling ice in Anderson and Fort Wayne, sharing his new recreational favorite with people a fraction of his age — as well as his fellow septuagenarians. Curling is that kind of sport — you’re as young as you want to feel. Bob knew little about curling until 2010, when he watched televised Winter Olympics matches and decided the sport “seemed like something I could do.” He soon joined both Fort Wayne Curling Club and the Circle City Curling Club of Indianapolis, and was taking part in matches almost immediately. The Fort Wayne Curling Club, where Bob is the longtime vice president, is located in a repurposed ...