FWCC Member Profile - Brayton Luginbill

If actions speak louder than words — and most people will agree they do — then Brayton Luginbill is coming through, loudly and clearly, to his friends at the Fort Wayne Curling Club. Brayton has Autism and is non-verbal, so his statements have been made through his performances on the curling ice over the past 10 years. Through the Down’s Syndrome Association of Northeast Indiana (DSANI), Brayton’s parents, Jill and Scott Luginbill, learned about the club and its team competition for those with disabilities. “We knew what curling was, but we didn’t know much about it,” Jill, who is a quality engineer for a Berne automotive parts manufacturer, said of those early days. In a recent interview, she related that she and Scott were initially reluctant to make the hour-long drive to Fort Wayne from the family farm Scott manages in rural Willshire, Ohio. But they knew it would provide a chance for their son, then 12 years old, to try something new and different, so they gave the ice a ch...